Dear Jen
Thanks again for all your assistance. Bonnie has been an invaluable stop-gap as we try and adjust to this new way of living. She is so accommodating of our needs and has gone out of her way to ease the chaos.
Kind regards
Nicola Robins ~ Blaauwberg
Hi Jen
Baie dankie vir jou fantastiese diens!
Prof Adrie Bekker ~ Kuilsrivier
Hallo Jen
Baie dankie vir die ekstra spesiale versorging wat jy en jou span aan ons ouers verskaf het die afgelope 21 maande. Ek glo my ma gaan baie verlang na al die lekker kos, hulp, versorging en vriendskap. Daar is/was ‘n paar van die versorgers wat ‘n baie spesiale plekkie in haar hart het.
Lydia van Zyl ~ Wellington
Hi Jen
You and your carers have been a huge help to us with our dad so ill – we will always be grateful. Please also thank Mandira for us.
Dr Sandra Sinske ~ Stellenbosch
Dear Jen
Thank you for walking this last stretch of Mum’s journey with us. Your careful allocation of carers is much appreciated!
We could not have done this without Mandy and Carol.
God bless!
Karen Nelson ~ Constantia
Baie dankie Jen.
Jou mense was wonderlik!
Dr Elize Durr-Fitschen ~ Stellenbosch
Baie Dankie vir als Jeanette.
Dit was net ‘n plesier om met jou en die 2 meisies te kon deel die afgelope maande. Ek sal wat hulle vir my Ma gedoen het altyd onthou. Ek verseker jou ek beveel julle maatskappy by almal aan. Jou dienste en manier waarop jy die versorging span en admin hanteer het was besonders.
Berna Bennecke ~ Durbanville
Dankie vir Jen’s Care, ek kan met soveel goed jou en jou personeel aanbeveel. Ouma gaan nou na ‘n spesiale tehuis. Mooi bly.
Nanna Bakkes ~ Paarl
Dear Jen’s Care
We cannot speak highly enough of Sandy, my dad’s carer – she is capable, compassionate and most of all reliable which is gold these days. Thanks Jen, for giving us Sandy.
Glen & Natalie Holland ~ Australia ~ for Vic Holland (Durbanville)
Hi Jen
I just want you to know how much we appreciated having Maggie look after us. She went out of her way putting up with our idiosyncrasies and displayed a great deal of patience. Caring is not an easy job but we really appreciated her help and consideration notwithstanding her firmness.
Sincerely yours.
Cedric Moroukian ~ Claremont
I highly recommend Jen’s Care for the following:
Professional communication and administration.
Excellent service.
Carers well educated.
~ Deborah Calitz ~ Physiotherapist, Durbanville
Ek kon nie vir beter versorgers gevra het om my ma (met Alzheimers) daagliks en naweke te help. Selfs op baie kort kennisgewing het Jeanette vinnig gehelp. Baie dankie!
~ Susan Smit – Somerset Wes
Dear Jen
Just to say how grateful we are for all the love and care given to Ouma by Eva and Christina in her last years – each brought different strengths and ouma embraced them both. Ouma loved life and wanted only the best for everyone.
I am happy that we found your agency and are willing to chat with anyone making an enquiry.
Best regards
~ Beverley Bakker
I want to thank you so much for all the help over the past year and a half! You have been such an answer to prayer and given us so much peace of mind, and helped us beyond and above what you promised us. We truly cannot thank you enough for the blessing your company has been to us, and if you ever need a recommendation from anyone I would gladly give it!
~ Sheena and Benjy du Toit
Hi Jeanette
Wil net weer vir jou en jou span vreeslik baie dankie se vir alles wat julle vir my ma en vir ons gedoen het…
Julle het vir ons gemoedsrus gegee om haar in julle veilige sorg te laat, en al die harde werk op julle geneem, dat ons haar laaste tyd net saam met haar kon kuier…
Wardeer alles opreg, julle moet mooi bly en sterkte op julle pad vorentoe met die goeie werk wat julle doen XxX
~ Leonie Maas
Dear Jen
Just to register my appreciation for the service I received from Ntsako. She is a star. It went well and I really appreciate the difference your institution has made in my life this past season.
I will always shout whenever I need assistance.
All the best.
~ Tsakani Furumele
Dear Jen
Thank you for working with us over the past months, it has been very valuable to mom, Lauren and I to have had your oversight over her care since leaving hospital late last year. We are all very impressed with her recovery, so much so that she can stay on her own. A lot of credit goes to the carers who have supported and helped her back to independence.
Colin & Lauren Murphy ~ Durbanville